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Stil Crin

Stil Crin is an Italian manufacturer of shooting accessories and slingshots.

Model 300


A very basic plastic slingshot that can be purchased with latex tubes or one-piece molded bands.

Model 302 / 304


A folding wristbraced slingshot with large pistol-grip handle. The model 304 is identical, but comes without wristbrace.

Model 304B


Classic slinghot with small grip and no wristbrace.

Model 303


The Italian slingshot manufacturers have the pecuilar notion to put very high forks on their "target-shooting models. I was sceptical about this design feature, but when I had the chance to use such a slingshot, found it to work suprisingly well. The high fork has a huge leverage - making wristbraces a necessity - but allows you to hold your head upright while aiming over the bands.